I, too grew up super skinny. My dad was diabetic type 1 so my mum used to have to weigh everything and distribute it evenly, no second portions for us, which also meant I never overate. But I think it was more a natural genetic issue, as all three of us kids were skinny, my brother as well. I used have people always tell me how amazing it must be to be so skinny, be able to eat what I wanted. But honestly, I hated it. My legs were compared to a piece of string at uni, the one time I dared to bare them - and I didn't wear a mini skirt for about 15 years after that.
It was only after having kids that I wasn't so skinny anymore. Perimenopause is also helpful on putting on weight, and now I don't like the fact that it's just my middle - legs and arms are still skinny.
Working out and getting healthy in my 30s was the best time, as my legs were muscly from running and my upper body muscly from weights. That's what I want to get back to, but it takes a lot with work and two kids. I'm trying to be happy with who I am now whilst working on the better me to come. Thank you for sharing your story.